Time: 9am - 5pm
Date: May 24, 2023 - May 25, 2023
Address: M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol BS1 4RN
Find out what's new at our TUFLOW 2023 UK/Europe Conference.
Speakers & Slides ProgrammeOver the past decade there have been significant advances in the discipline of flood modelling but there have also been major changes in the understanding of our environment and the need for society to adapt. Following on from our TUFLOW 2021 UK/Europe Conference on the theme of Change in a Changing World our TUFLOW 2023 Conference continues this theme with Roadmap to the Future – adaptation, as we look at how our industry prepares for the new challenges and opportunities ahead.
As in previous years, our objectives for the conference are to:
•Invite the best speakers from the public sector, industry and academia.
•Present novel and innovative uses of the TUFLOW software.
•Educate, inform and help users to exploit the capability of the software.
•Listen to the needs and ideas of users to ensure that TUFLOW remains the software of choice for flood modellers in the future.
The conference will be held over a period of two days at Bristol M Shed an iconic venue in the heart of Bristol.
We have an exciting programme that is near to completion, our Keynote address will be presented by Thomas Sagris an Associate Director at Arup. His presentation on “Sponge Cities” sets the scene for this years theme Roadmap to the Future – Adaptation. The term “Sponge City” was coined in 2013 by Professor Kongjian of Peking University, to describe cities that work with nature to absorb rainwater, instead of using the concrete channels we are so familiar with today. China, a fast growing economy, is certainly struggling to manage its water resources, after decades of urbanisation and pollution, China is now faced with both water shortages and flooding – only made worse by the effects of climate change.
Eric Gillies, Technical Director and hydraulic modelling lead for CBEC (pen portrait and abstract below) will once again be joining us, this years presentation will be on the topic of “Using TUFLOW FV to design sediment management schemes for rivers disrupted by hydropower dams: concept and application”. We are sure that his presentation will be as informative and engaging as that given in 2021.
We are also pleased to say that David Balmforth, Visiting Professor at Imperial College London, Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers and former chair of the Reservoirs Committee, has kindly agreed to once again Chair.
<!—Tickets are now on sale, watch this space for further programme updates and offers. —>
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Thomas is leading Arup’s digital water research and manages the in-house digital water services investment programme. He is a Chartered Environmental and Water Engineer with over 20 years experience in a wide range of water, wastewater and environmental projects.
Through his work with water utilities, regulators, international financial institutions and governments, he is planning and delivering innovative digital water management solutions around the globe. He was the technical manager for the development of a new drainage masterplan in Shanghai covering an area of 640km2 and a population of 15 million which used innovative digital approaches and tools. He is currently advising the Government of Peru on the planning and implementation of drainage masterplans for seven cities which aspire to use green and blue infrastructure to reduce flood risk while delivering wider benefits to local population.
Cities and megacities are increasingly looking at climate change adaptation, water sensitive urban design, integrated flood control planning and decentralised infrastructure as key components of future drainage strategies to improve their resilience to the new norm of more intense and unpredictable rainfall events.
The talk will cover approaches to strategic drainage master planning globally and then discuss how digital technology has been used to support the planning and design of Sponge Cities. The presentation will walk through case studies of recent urban drainage masterplans at different scales and different locations. Finally, it will explore how data supports business cases and could unlock funding sources for the implementation of green and blue infrastructure.
Matt is a Senior Project Manager with Kier Infrastructure, he has spent the last 20 years working exclusively on Environment Agency projects, most recently, coastal defence projects, reservoirs and the Moors at Arne Coastal Change Project.
Following the 2014 floods Matt lead the EA a
sset recovery programme in the Wessex Region with over 68 individual projects, reconstruction of over 15km of embankments, 4km of sheet piling and the largest temporary over pumping system in Europe.
Prior to this, Matt led the EA Steart Coastal Management scheme to create 400 hectares of wildlife-rich habitats including saltmarsh, brackish and freshwater wetlands, winner of the ICE Merit Award for Peoples’ Choice and Communities.
The Steart Peninsula is located in Bridgwater Bay at the confluence of the Parrett Estuary and the Bristol Channel. The area covers some 600 ha including farmland, high voltage power lines to the nearby Hinkley nuclear power station, a road and the small village of Steart. The peninsula is adjacent to the nationally and internationally designated areas.
The Steart coastal management project, which was promoted by the Environment Agency, created a mosaic of habitats and provided enhanced flood defences on the Steart Peninsula. The scheme was opened in September 2014 and is now managed by the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust. The project created 400 hectares of freshwater, brackish and intertidal habitats in different compartments separated by embankments.
Rosie has nearly 10 years professional experience in hydrology and hydraulic modelling. Since joining JBA Consulting, Rosie has worked on wide range of challenging modelling projects. She has also progressed modelling work through to mapping, flood warning and economic appraisal, providing continuity of understanding throughout detailed studies. Through managing complex modelling studies, drawing on multiple disciplines, Rosie has directed solutions for a wide range of water and environmental issues. These include identifying opportunities for environmental enhancement by adapting flood defence assets, while planning for climate change and ensuring future standard of flood protection.
Estuarine habitats are subject to pressures from coastal squeeze and industrialisation. In the Tees Estuary, for example, around 90% of saltmarsh has been lost since the 1860s. Visions to restore intertidal habitat by adapting or removing physical modifications must consider impact on both tidal and fluvial flood risk. Schemes delivering habitat benefits must also demonstrate good value for money. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a key factor in the project appraisal. This presentation will illustrate how hydraulic modelling has been used as a tool to understand the potential for creating intertidal habitat in the North East, and how model outputs have shaped options development and informed BNG calculations. Drivers, challenges and opportunities for hydraulic modelling in these studies will be discussed.
David Balmforth is an independent consultant specialising in flood risk management and urban pollution control. His more recent work has ranged from the delivery of £multi-million engineering programmes in the water industry, to flood advisory work for municipalities in the UK and overseas. He is a member of the UK Government’s Roundtable on Property Flood Resilience and recently completed a Government Review of Reservoir Safety following the Toddbrook reservoir incident. David is a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and a Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Adam is an associate director at Jacobs and Head of Discipline for Hydrology, with over 18 years experience in flood risk management, hydrology and hydraulic modelling. Adam has help deliver a wide range of technically challenging flood risk schemes across the UK and further afield, leading development of technical approaches and ensuring projects meet client needs.
As Head of Hydrology, Adam has oversight of Jacobs hydrology teams across the UK, working to expand capacity and capability while ensuring technical excellence. Part of this role includes having a strategic overview of industry needs to ensure Jacobs can align capability to changing market requirements.
Adam is also supports key Jacobs products in the water sector, including Flood Modeller, AQUA DNA and Flood Platform. With Flood Modeller, Adam acts as a subject matter expert to expand functionality and build the development programme. Additionally Adam provides technical training across the industry and promotes research programmes such as the Flood Hydrology Improvement Programme.
It is becoming ever more challenging to manage flood risk using traditional “grey” infrastructure approaches, from both a technical and financial perspective. Challenges will continue to grow as the impacts of climate change are felt by at-risk communities and the carbon footprint of interventions is factored into funding processes.
Land use change and adaptation is a key tool to managing flood risk in many catchments, bringing reduced flood risk alongside environmental benefits associated with biodiversity and habitat creation.
Many of the modelling tools we have are geared around traditional flood management approaches; this talk will look at a successful example of land adaptation to manage flood risk, how modelling tools were used to provide the evidence base to support change and promote community engagement. Additionally, the presentation will consider changing industry requirements of modelling and hydrology and how tools can evolve to meet these needs.
Will Stringer is a Technical Director of Cain Bio-Engineering Ltd and has been involved in river restoration/wetland habitat improvement projects within the UK in both design/construction and regulatory roles for nearly 10 years.
Will has gained over 20 years of UK and international experience with various water related projects ranging from river restoration and bank protection projects on English chalk streams through to hydroelectric dam repairs/maintenance in New Zealand. His career progression has lead towards where he is now, working to provide habitat improvements and increase biodiversity across rivers and wetlands to further these as an integral part of a healthy ecosystem.
River and wetland habitat restoration is moving further into the public eye following decades of degradation of the water environment. The scale and number of restoration projects are now gaining traction from private landowners, public bodies and being championed by Rivers Trusts.
The talk will cover some general challenges/issues with respect to Contractor implementation of habitat improvement projects which need to be overcome, based upon case studies from recent river and wetland projects which Cain Bio-Engineering has implemented. This will include touching on how future resilience/adaptation for future climate change is incorporated, how hydraulic modelling helps provide flood risk/low flow assurance along with other themes.
Alison has worked for the Environment Agency for 23 years. She first joined the flood forecasting team who managed the real-time flood forecasting models for the then Thames Region. She went on to become the Met Office Account Manager for a couple of years managing the weather services the Environment Agency receives from the Met Office. Stints in both National Operations and Asset Management Teams followed where her focus turned to data management and tracking performance of asset delivery. Alison has worked in her current role, in the FCRM Directorate Mapping and Modelling team, for the past 10 years. In 2020 at the start of the COVID pandemic Alison initiated consultation on the Environment Agency’s internal FCERM Mapping and Modelling plan which was published in the summer 2021 and runs until 2027. She is currently a Senior User on a project entitled Providing and managing richer recorded flood information.
Alison has a Master of Science (MSc) in Weather, Climate and Modelling from the University of Reading.
The effects of flooding are felt across society and are most traumatic for those who experience them directly. The changing climate is increasing the risks we face. Without understanding the flood risks, impacts and likelihood and how it might change in the future; we can’t do our jobs well, and neither can our partners. The better our understanding, the better we are equipped to prepare and respond to current and future flood and coastal risk.
Mapping and modelling of flood and coastal risk is at the heart of this effort to equip individuals, communities and organisations with the data and information they need to build resilience in a changing climate. It underpins everything that the Environment Agency does in flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) from advising planning authorities about new development, informing the public about risk, planning investment to reduce risk, through to setting our flood alert and warning thresholds
A key commitment of our Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management strategy is to produce a new National Flood Risk Assessment in 2024. But how we make its inputs more accurate and current; How we embed it in our business and accomplish benefits; How we ensure we have the right mapping and modelling skills; And how we fully deliver our ambition for richer and more detailed flood risk information at our fingertips, more real time modelling, and better use of technology? This FCERM Mapping and Modelling Plan is our answer to these statements.
Martin is a Senior Hydrologist with the Environment Agency and has been working on the Flood Hydrology Improvements Programme (FHIP) as the Methods Theme Lead since May 2022. Martin has over 30 years’ experience in hydrological modelling and flood risk management including 25 years working as a senior lecturer in hydrology, river engineering, and hydraulics at the University of Plymouth, and in training, flood estimation and hydrological modelling roles for the Environment Agency, Canal & River Trust and former National Rivers Authority.
Martin has a PhD in hydrological modelling from the University of Plymouth. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer, and a member of the ICE and the BHS.
Flood hydrology underpins the flood modelling chain to support risk management decisions. In a changing world, there is a need for improved hydrological information and understanding to manage flood hazards. The 2021 Flood Hydrology Roadmap developed by the UK hydrology community recognises this need and sets out a 25-year vision for flood hydrology in the UK. It considers all sources of inland flooding and proposes 31 actions grouped into the thematic work areas of data, methods, ways of working, and scientific understanding.
The Environment Agency’s 6-year Flood Hydrology Improvements Programme (FHIP) commenced in 2021 and is delivering a number of priority R&D projects drawn from the Roadmap to improve our capability in flood hydrology modelling.
This presentation will outline key FHIP projects of importance to the flood risk modelling chain that will improve hydrometric data, hydrological modelling techniques, and ways of working.
Freddie is an Engineer for Watercourses at Enfield Council. Freddie works on a wide range of innovative sustainable drainage and flood risk management projects, including wetlands, rain gardens, natural flood management and other blue-green infrastructure works. Freddie also has previous experience in the private sector as a hydrology consultant delivering flood risk assessments, surface water drainage strategies and other hydrological consulting services for a range of sites across the UK. Freddie has experience working with hydraulic modellers to optimise flood risk management projects and develop business cases.
See Chris Whitlow above
Tracey Haxton is a Technical Director within Wallingford HydroSolutions (WHS) specialising in hydrological modelling of both floods and low flows, along with the influence of anthropogenic activities and climate change on UK rivers. She has 20 years’ experience of developing regionalised hydrological models.
Tracey is the lead scientist at WHS in the ongoing development of the ReFH2 and WINFAP 5 software, which implement the latest Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) best practice. She works closely with the UKCEH FEH team and regularly liaises with all UK regulatory national teams on the development and delivery of FEH methods.
Tracey has contributed to a number of DEFRA research projects including the Small Catchments and Probable Maximum Flood method reviews. She is also a key member of the team behind Qube (formally LowFlows), a best practice tool for estimating natural and influenced flows in ungauged catchments.
Recent extreme rainfall events across the UK have led several organisations to request regional recalibrations of the FEH13 model using more recent data. This presentation presents the UK-wide recalibration of the FEH13 rainfall depth-duration frequency (DDF) model – FEH22. We will cover the significantly increased raingauge network data that were made available from across the UK, and the revised quality control process applied that involved regulatory review of notable rainfall events. The resulting changes in rainfall depth across a range of durations and return periods will be presented and discussed.
The development of the ReFH2 design rainfall runoff model, using the FEH22 rainfall depths, will then be presented, alongside a comparison of the ReFH2-FEH22 peak flows against observed data and estimates from alternative models (for example the statistical model and the ReFH2-FEH13 model). Spatial relationships between the FEH22 and FEH13 ReFH2 peak flow estimates will then be presented and we will conclude with a summary of the impact that the use of FEH22 design model may have on design estimates of peak flows.
Gianni is a hydrological modeller in the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) team at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH). Gianni’s work focuses on the development of the FEH methods, including the new FEH22 rainfall depth-duration-frequency model delivered through the FEH Web Service, the rainfall-runoff model implemented in ReFH2 software, and the statistical flood frequency model implemented in WINFAP software.
Gianni works closely with WHS and the UK’s environmental regulators to translate advances in science and data into usable methods and guidance for practitioners. Gianni has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in civil engineering from the University of Sheffield.
See Tracey Haxton above.
Duncan is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Associate Director in Buro Happold’s Water Group. Duncan has experience working on flood risk management projects including hydraulic modelling across the world, primarily in the UK and Middle East. His input is typically focused on supporting strategic planning, environmental protection, urban development, and landscape design.
Whilst the remainder of the project team is still exploring feasibility and outline concepts, the flood risk manager can be expected to provide near-absolute certainty when defining the constraints and opportunities which are likely to influence the evolution of the project. Achieving this can become even more difficult when working in complex urban drainage catchments, with evolving external constraints.
Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is expanding and upgrading its existing urban fabric to support the growth in population of the city. New development is being proposed and significant investment in new water management infrastructure is available. Clients and stakeholders want to understand the effect of new proposals on flood risk to public and private sites within the urban environment and the impact of potential mitigation measures before committing to investment in taking projects forward.
Buro Happold has been using TUFLOW since 2014 to evaluate risks from surface water flooding to the urban areas in Riyadh. Quadtree allows us as flood risk managers to take a more iterative approach to optioneering in early project stages, homing in on the measures that are likely to have the most beneficial impact. This approach delivers better-informed client and design teams and maximises the opportunity to create value for all stakeholders.
Dominic is a Hydraulic Modeller in Buro Happold’s Water Group. Dominic has experience developing hydraulic models for development sites in the UK and Middle East and optioneering of flood risk mitigation measures.
Please see Duncan Keir-Reid above.
Eric is Technical Director and hydraulic modelling lead for CBEC UK, a river restoration and environmental engineering consultancy with projects based across the UK and EU, now part of the RSK Group. Eric has worked in all aspects of river restoration design and build, hydrometry, field based fluid flow measurement, surveying for 2D and 3D hydraulic models and 2D/3D hydraulic modelling and has presented work at a wide range of academic and professional conferences. He has been modelling and measuring fluid flows for 25 years, ranging from complex aerodynamic models and tests of aircraft and helicopters, to marine applications for hydro-kinetic turbines and for the last 11 years, dynamic river modelling, with a main specialisms of large in-channel wood, sediment transport and morphodynamics and modelling of aquatic habitat. Eric trains all of CBEC’s modelling staff and has also lectured on fluid mechanics in academia.
He has a PhD in fluid mechanics from the University of Glasgow and is a Chartered Engineer.
Using TUFLOW FV to design sediment management schemes for rivers disrupted by hydropower dams: concept and application.
Eric Gillies & Hamish Moir, cbec eco-engineering UK.
We discuss the concept of using TUFLOW FV’s morphodynamic and advection dispersion modules to achieve gravel augmentation of river systems where normal sediment supply is interrupted by a hydropower dam. As a complex example of the problem we present data and modelling of a multiple tributary system feeding a reservoir in Iceland.
TUFLOW modelling was used to identify appropriate locations within the reservoir and to identify appropriate timescales, to extract deposited silts, sands and gravels for placement downstream, to maintain downstream river habitat. We also used TUFLOW FV in this case to identify that suspended load, rather than bedload, was a significant contributor to net deposition within the reservoir, and a significant contributor to downstream salmonid habitat degradation in a previous reservoir draw-down event.
In addition to using our TUFLOW modelling to manage the gravel extraction/augmentation process, the client was keen to investigate sustainable, approaches to transporting alluvial material (silt to gravel sizes) from the reservoir for improved longitudinal sediment transport connectivity and downstream ecological benefit. To explore this possibility, we used TUFLOW’s variable head weir approach, combined with the model of the reservoir system and downstream channel, to promote the transport of sediment to the downstream channel during moderate storm events. If implemented, this should be the first such ‘retrofitted’ system used for sustainably managing the transport of sediment downstream past a hydropower scheme for the explicit environmental purpose of maintaining downstream salmonid habitat.
Simon is a Principal Engineer within the SLR Consulting European water team, and he has over 25 years of experience in hydraulic modelling, surface water management, and flood risk management.
Simon’s area of expertise lies with the application of hydrologic and hydraulic modelling tools and techniques to a range of problems and studies. Throughout his career, he has project managed and delivered a broad range of flood studies, flood mitigation assessments, flood risk management studies, stormwater management studies, dam break studies, estuarine studies and coastal engineering studies. Simon has played key roles in the hydraulic analyses at both conceptual and detailed design phases for a range of infrastructure projects including dams, stormwater, roads/highways, resource extraction operations, and power transmission lines. Now based in Cork, Simon joined SLR Consulting in September 2021, where he is leading the European hydraulic modelling team is a range of projects and modelling applications, including tertiary containment assessments, environmental flows assessments, and tailings dambreak assessments.
A feature of many industrial and commercial facilities is the storage of substances that may be flammable and/or hazardous to the environment. Incidents can and do occur on these sites leading to a loss of inventory, and in the event of fire, application of firefighting water and chemical agents. Local rainfall during an incident further increases the risk of inventory and firefighting water reaching the wider environment.
Preliminary review of the adequacy of existing containment arrangements on a given site is often undertaken as a desktop assessment coupled with site inspection. However, this does not typically include a detailed assessment or calculations of where inventory or firewater will flow within the site, nor quantify upgrades to secondary or tertiary containment where required.
In accordance with CIRIA guidance document C736 (Containment Systems for the Prevention of Pollution. Secondary, tertiary and other measures for industrial and commercial premises), SLR Consulting has been applying TUFLOW for the assessment of a range of incidents on such sites, including inventory loss from tank failure and application of firefighting water and chemicals in the event of a bund fire. For certain scenarios, Quadtree has been applied to represent the failure mechanism in the immediate vicinity of the failed tank at relatively high resolution (e.g. instantaneous tank structural failure or jetting failure). The outputs from the TUFLOW modelling have improved the client’s understanding of the mechanisms and has permitted more targeted assessment of required upgrades to the containment system.
Philip is a modelling advisor within the Environment Agency with over 10 years’ experience in the review and construction of hydraulic models for land use planning, flood defence appraisal and design, and flood forecasting. Philip has spent the last 8 years working as a Flood Forecaster for the River Severn catchment delivering real-time forecasting to support the deployment of temporary defence barriers and for water resources management.
Philip has an MSc in GIS from the University of Nottingham and an MSc in Physical Geography from the University of Hull.
Temporary defence barrier systems are used as a means of providing short term protection measures for properties against flooding from rivers. They are often deployed on a best endeavours basis. In contrast to permanent flood defence assets such as raised embankments and walls, the risk associated with breaching of temporary defence barriers to date has been less well documented and understood. Nonetheless, understanding this risk is important for managing safety. Historically, assessing breach risk for temporary barriers has generally relied on Rapid Flood Spreading approaches due to the associated speed of assessment and ease of implementation. However, such approaches are limited in their representation of velocity and flood hazard which are important when assessing the risks barriers present during failure.
With recent advances in computing hardware, breach modelling at a high linear spacing frequency using 2D hydrodynamic models can be achieved with much reduced model run times. Using TUFLOW HPC and GPU hardware, the Environment Agency has undertaken modelling to assess the risk posed by potential breach failure at 46 temporary defence barrier sites across England. Given the urgent need for detailed information on flood hazard along with the important role that temporary defence barriers play in flood risk management, this work was delivered at pace by developing a simple framework to allow the rapid construction of breach models and associated composite velocity and hazard mapping presenting a “credible worst case” for each Temporary Defence Asset.
Tom is a senior modelling advisor within the Environment Agency with over 15 years’ experience in the review and construction of hydraulic models including Hinkley Point Nuclear Power station, Somerset Levels and Moors, Heathrow Airport expansion and the Leeds FAS. Tom provides technical overview and support for non-real time modelling across England as well as leading on the Environment Agency’s near-real time modelling response to flood incidents including embankment breach, asset and reservoir failure.
Tom has a BSc in Physical geography from the University of Exeter.
See Philip Sale above
Pavlina is a flood engineer and TUFLOW support and training lead with 12 years of experience including hydraulic modelling in central Europe and Queensland and 3 years in construction industry in Western Australia and Northern Territory.
She joined BMT’s flood group mid 2017 where she worked on numerous flood studies and mitigation strategies. One year later she transferred to software business unit where she remained till today helping TUFLOW users to improve and troubleshoot their models, conducting software testing, delivering training and developing tools in QGIS TUFLOW plugin in python.
Pavlina holds Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering specialising in water management and water structures from Brno University of Technology in Czech Republic.
Her passion has always been connected to water, enjoying working with hydraulic software in professional life and swimming, boat trips, coastal walks, chasing waterfalls in her free time.
This workshop aims to build your understanding of the TUFLOW HPC engine and its various check and result files to enable you with the knowledge and skills necessary to build healthy models. This information is extremely valuable to increase your work efficiency during model build activities. Attendees will learn step by step methods how to diagnose and resolve modelling errors.
Alex is a hydraulic modeller with 10 years’ experience working in flood risk
management specialising in fluvial and pluvial flood modelling. Alex focuses on
delivering hydrological and hydraulic modelling expertise to a variety of projects and
Bagley Dike is a small complex urban watercourse that over time has become hidden from sight beneath
the streets of Sheffield. In times of flood on the River Don, Bagley Dike makes itself known, flooding our client’s industrial site.
As part of a wider project, we were commissioned to investigate flood risk management solutions to make their site more resilient to flooding. A hydraulic model was required to determine a baseline against which solutions could be benchmarked.
Due to the nature of the site, the watercourse and the flood mechanisms, several challenges existed. The watercourse is culverted for approximately 1.2km and features unique characteristics on its course to the River Don.
After some initial modelling using alternative software, ESTRY was used to represent the watercourse in 1D linked to a 2D surface as it proved to be best suited to representing the complex system and hydraulic challenges. However, several modelling aspects could be improved upon to fully represent the flooding in this or similar environments. Ultimately, using the model, a solution was found and will be implemented to reduce the risk of flooding from Bagley Dike to the site.
Alex is a Flood Risk Consultant at Aegaea, with a particular interest in the application of GIS to flood risk management.
Alex credits his interest in hydraulic modelling back to the many late nights spent tweaking simulation parameters as part of his dissertation project at the University of Southampton (BSc Geography), which was subsequently nominated for the British Hydrological Society’s “Best Undergraduate Dissertation” award.
With 5 years of professional experience Alex is not claiming to be an expert! Rather, he hopes that his first TUFLOW conference will be a great opportunity to learn, connect and open up some interesting dialogue regarding the increasingly common objection to the construction of solar farms in the functional floodplain.
In his time outside of work, Alex tries to get outdoors as much as possible – hiking, wild camping and the occasional run. You’ll also find him powerlifting, watching Formula 1, or kicking his feet up with a video game!
With a demand for clean energy and a decreasing amount of suitable land, it is increasingly frequent that developers are seeking planning permission for solar farms on land located within the functional floodplain. This is of course in line with National Planning Policy, in which solar farms are considered to be ‘Essential Infrastructure’.
Whilst, in principle, essential infrastructure is permissible within Flood Zone 3b, as consultants it is common to encounter objections to such developments on the basis of negative hydraulic impacts and increase to flood risk elsewhere. Increasingly, a qualitative approach is not sufficient and hydraulic modelling is required to demonstrate “no increase in flood risk off site”.
With the title of the 2023 TUFLOW conference being “Road Map to the Future – adaptation”, the aim is to present a justifiable methodology for representing solar panel supports in the 2D domain, primarily using flow constriction layers. Iterative model versions and results are presented along with a series of sensitivity testing. The aim is to open a dialogue on potential novel approaches and identify any opportunities and limitations within TUFLOW that can smooth out the roadmap to the future.
Duncan is a principal scientist and UK/Europe lead for TUFLOW, with 15 years’ experience in hydraulic modelling and flood risk management. Duncan has worked in many different aspects of flood risk and erosion management with a particular focus on hydraulic modelling including fluvial and pluvial flood modelling, integrated urban drainage as well as flood forecasting, water quality and sediment transport modelling. Duncan has spent the last 11 years working for various flood modelling software houses and has provided training to a range of governmental agencies and technical consultants internationally.
Duncan has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in hydraulic modelling and catchment flood restoration from the University of Southampton.
With increased computational power and recent software developments, there has been an increase in the number of models which utilise distributed direct rainfall techniques to determine flood risk both for surface water as well as fluvial flows. Compared to lumped catchment approaches, these direct rainfall approaches allow improved spatial representation of the topographies, land covers and soils over which rainfall can fall. These direct rainfall approaches allow the application of rainfall directly to the 2-dimensional surface and then apply an infiltration model to represent hydrological losses resulting in surface runoff which is routed to natural and artificial drainage network. This surface runoff provides a rapid response to rainfall. The volume of flow infiltrated prior to runoff generation can be used to track soil moisture which feeds back into infiltration rates and therefore influences runoff volumes. However, other than this, the infiltrated volume of flow is then considered ‘lost’ to the model. In reality, this infiltrated flow provides a slower response to rainfall through sub-surface routing processes such as interflow and baseflow. It has been suggested that in temperate environments, that a large majority of runoff occurs through shallow soil layers rather than overland. With the TUFLOW 2023 release, it is now possible to route infiltrated flow within the sub-surface and this presentation will provide insight into the approach together with potential applications and possible data sources for providing the information required to set up TUFLOW sub-surface routing models.
Between 2020 & 2021 Dr Gerald Morgan was the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow in Modelling for Natural Flood Risk Management and is currently a director of Edenvale Young Associates.
Gerald was one of the pioneers in the UK of the distributed modelling approach using TUFLOW and has extensive experience of hydrological and hydraulic modelling and development across the UK.
With increased computational power and recent software developments, there has been an increase in the number of models which utilise distributed direct rainfall techniques to determine flood risk both for surface water as well as fluvial flows. Compared to lumped catchment approaches, these direct rainfall approaches allow improved spatial representation of the topographies, land covers and soils over which rainfall can fall. These direct rainfall approaches allow the application of rainfall directly to the 2-dimensional surface and then apply an infiltration model to represent hydrological losses resulting in surface runoff which is routed to natural and artificial drainage network. This surface runoff provides a rapid response to rainfall.
The volume of flow infiltrated prior to runoff generation can be used to track soil moisture which feeds back into infiltration rates and therefore influences runoff volumes. However, other than this, the infiltrated volume of flow is then considered ‘lost’ to the model. In reality, this infiltrated flow provides a slower response to rainfall through sub-surface routing processes such as interflow and baseflow.
It has been suggested that in temperate environments, that a large majority of runoff occurs through shallow soil layers rather than overland. With the TUFLOW 2023 release, it is now possible to route infiltrated flow within the sub-surface and this presentation will provide insight into the approach together with potential applications and possible data sources for providing the information required to set up TUFLOW sub-surface routing models.
Nick is a Senior Hydraulic Modeller with 12 years’ experience in the water and environment sector. Nick has been involved in delivering tidal, fluvial and surface water flood modelling studies across a variety of catchments both the UK and abroad.
Nick has experience of 1D and 2D hydraulic modelling in Flood Modeller, TUFLOW, MIKE and HECRAS and has undertaken work to support a wide variety of study types such as flood risk assessments, reservoir flood studies and surface water management plans.
Direct rainfall modelling has become a valuable tool for modelling flood risk in a variety of situations particularly in upper catchments where there are no defined watercourses.
This presentation will examine the application of direct rainfall modelling in rural upper catchments in Sydney, Australia. The study used the methodology set out in the Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR, a national guidance document that provides guidance on the estimation of design flood events in Australia) along with TUFLOW HPC to determine the worst-case flood event. The presentation will examine how this methodology could be relevant to modelling future climates in the UK and supporting adaptation to the increases in flood risk.
The study used a suite of different rainfall distributions and durations in conjunction with other parameters such as rainfall losses and depth varying roughness to determine a range of possible flood depths at key locations. This meant over 100 simulations were run for each location, there were five locations in total to model. TUFLOW HPC provided the capability to run a large number of events and this ultimately led to a higher level of confidence when assessing the flood impacts because of the ability to test a wide variety of variables. TUFLOW HPC was used in combination with Sub Grid Sampling (SGS) and Quadtree to optimise the model run time without losing model quality in the areas of interest.
The presentation will consider how this modelling approach may be useful in the UK to assess future risk given the likelihood of increased climate variability and potential changes to rainfall and rainfall runoff.
Jane is an Associate Technical Director with over 20 years of experience, she has been involved in range of projects, including coastal engineering and management, flood risk management and modelling, and breach and inundation modelling.
Jane has experience in a number of different modelling packages, 1D and 2D modelling in Flood Modeller and TUFLOW. She has worked on a range of modelling flood studies in the UK, Saudi and Australia. Recently she has been involved in a range of projects in Australia utilising TUFLOW HPC.
See Nick Cramp above
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