Time: 9am - 5pm
Date: September 21, 2021 - September 22, 2021
Address: The Clifton Pavillion, Bristol Zoo, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3HH
Due to the pandemic we had to postponed 2020 UK/Europe TUFLOW Conference, however, the hybrid conference that went ahead in the autumn of 2021 was a welcome relief from the constraints of the pandemic for those who attended in peron. in person.
In the past ten years there has been significant advances in the flood modelling but there have also been major changes in the understanding of our environment and the need for society to adapt. After a three year wait, the TUFLOW User Conference will be returning in September 2021 with a full programme of presentations and workshops on the theme of Change in a Changing World.
Our objectives for the conference since 2008 has always been to:
•Invite the best speakers from the public sector, industry and academia.
•Present novel and innovative uses of the TUFLOW software.
•Educate, inform, and help users to exploit the capability of the software.
•Listen to the needs and ideas of users to ensure that TUFLOW remains the software of choice for flood modellers in the future.
The conference will be held at the Clifton Pavillion at Bristol Zoo which is a beautiful venue in the heart of Bristol over a period of two days. We will also be opening the meeting to an international audience who will be able to attend both days of the conference virtually.
We are pleased to announce that tickets are on sale for Online Attendance at the conference. Virtual delegates will have access to all Plenary presentations and Stream 1 sessions, streaming live from the Lecture Theatre. There will be opportunities for virtual delegates to ask questions. Follow the link above to view the final draft of the progamme.
Whilst the Early Bird tickets are no longer available, as we count down to the Conference with less than a week to go, please watch out for last minute offers.
If you would like to be included on our mailing list, please contact Colette at colette.linehan@edenvaleyoung.com so that we can keep you posted as further information becomes available.
Duncan Faulkner Duncan is Head of Hydrology at JBA Consulting. After five years of research on rainfall and flood frequency at CEH in Wallingford, he joined JBA and moved north just in time to see in the new millennium. Since then he has worked on a large portfolio of projects across the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and south-east Asia. Current topics of Duncan’s consultancy and research work include application of non-stationary flood frequency estimation and improving methods of flood estimation for dam safety.
Once upon a time, climate change was something that we expected to impact our future. Now we are living in that future. How does it compare with our expectations?
I will present results from a new trend analysis of flood flow data from UK rivers, asking whether trends are more likely on some catchment types and how we can know if the trends are caused by climate change.
I will compare estimates of design flows for 2020 with those derived using pre-1990 data. How do the differences compare with the climate change uplifts we have been applying in the UK? Are the latest uplifts fit for purpose?
To close, some thoughts on whether Tesco offers a suitable slogan when it comes to climate change mitigation.
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